Sunday, December 23, 2012


It's been a few months since my last update here, but I've done a few projects since my last post. The Blood Angel's I took on in August are just about done now, I'm just working on a few more things then they are headed back to their owner. I just finished my third semester of college and I have decided to spend my next semester studying in Germany. The program I choose encompasses both an intensive language course with a German Semesters worth of classes, which means I will be gone for the next six months, I leave in mid January and I will be back August 1st which means I will no longer be taking commission work, I have not decided if I will continue when I get back.
I hope to continue with the hobby and to perhaps get more involved in playing Warhammer fantasy, for I've decided to hang on to my skaven for the foreseeable future, I'm even looking to finish a second army of Lizardmen for my friends to use. So that is where I am at now, I plan on working on other artistic ventures while I'm abroad making the most of what I suspect will be beautiful scenery around me. Thank you all for all the support and business, it has been a crazy experience but I have certainly learned a lot and drawn some valuable lessons from this all. - Gabe

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Blood Angels third company

This is the first model I have done substantial work on, Tycho
Hello there everyone, I am going to try to make posts on this blog a monthly thing, summering what I have been up to and all that. I have been toying with the idea of starting a youtube series as a substitute for some of the more boring photo updates I post. This month I worked on a Warriors of Chaos reinforcement project for the lightning themed Tzeentch army I did back in October of last year, the project was pretty straight forward and included two exalted lords on juggernauts, two on discs, a bunch of marauders, and some hounds. for those of you who haven't seen other pictures of the army which I did way back in October check out my photobucket album dedicated to it here
back in October I was asked to make a Tzeentch warshrine, It was one of the funnest aspect of the project and ended up looking like this My concept was a giant floating chaos fish, and jokingly said to my client last week that I would get around to making him it, well I did just that. It was a pretty striaghtforward build, I used super sculptly for the base of it, added detail in green stuff and some chaos spawn bits here and there. Next I have another space wolves project followed by a huge blood angels project! so stay tuned! I have one item for sale on eBay right now, a privateer press Retribution Phoenix

Thursday, July 12, 2012

So it has been a super really long time since I last updated this page, thankfully I have been painting away since my last post. I've painted something like six armies since I started doing commission work online nearly one year ago, which for me is a major accomplishment. I just recently finished a space wolves project after returning home from a three week vacation to Europe. I am planning on spending whatever down time I have between projects working on my Skaven and a Necron army I recently acquired. In this post I will try to include some pictures of what I have painted since my last post, hundreds more pictures can be found here at my photobucket. Cheers!
- Gabe

Sunday, March 4, 2012

So its spring.

Hey whomever might be reading this, you probably have noticed how little activity there has been here and on my Dakka blog! well balancing school and painting is hard.. really hard! I have managed to do some work but not nearly as much as I want, hopefully with the summer coming up and spring break that can change!